[Placerville, Calif, 3-18-21]
City of Placerville Community March Update
City Manager's Corner |
Hello to our Placerville Citizens! What a great time to live in Placerville. Hopefully spring is bringing more than just good weather along with much needed rain, however the weather the last few weeks has been great! We continue to see improvement in our Covid-19 cases and moving to the Red Tier on the State’s guidelines is a step in the right direction. We continue to improve and hopefully soon can be back to some sense of normalcy. One exciting project to bring to your attention is the proposal by our Placerville Economic Advisory Committee (PEAC) for exploring a program to bring better and more affordable internet service to our City. This means everyone who is interested can have faster, more reliable and more affordable internet service than what is currently available. We need to hear from you to see if this is something you would like. Please go to “ connectplacerville.com ” to get further information and to complete the survey. The program, as currently planned, would bring Fiber service to everyone in the City who wants it. One statistic that stood out to me in this process was the difference in speed between wireless and Fiber. Please see the following outlining those differences: DSL max speed: 100 Mbps Coax (Cable) max speed: 950 Mbps 5G Wireless max speed: 2,000 Mbps Fiber max speed (today): 25,000,000 Mbps As you can see, Fiber offers many new opportunities, not just due to speed but also due to capacity. How many of you had a virtual doctor’s appointment or another meeting over the past year? How many of your children had virtual school over the past year? Did you ever have concerns about how reliable your internet service would be for these events? Although we are looking forward to getting back to normal, some of these issues may never come completely back, and virtual services will likely become part the normal going forward. We look forward to the potential opportunity to establish reliable, fast and affordable internet service in the City of Placerville. Stay safe and healthy, Everyone. |
Committee and Commission Appointment Update |
City Council appointed Nicole Gotberg and reappointed Michael Frenn to the Planning commission. Welcome Nicole and thank you for your continued service, Michael! City Council also reappointed Sue Rodman and Mickey Kaiserman to the Measure H/L Sales Tax Committee. Thank you for your continued service, Sue and Mickey! |
Other items included staff reported on the Mid-Year Budget Report, authorized Engineering Dept. to solicit proposals for the Broadway Maintenance project, updated on Traffic Impact Mitigation fees, website and City promotional video, along with police and fire statistics.
via Placerville Newswire